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Convex Hull


*** SORRY! You need a java-enabled browser to run this applet. *** *** Otherwise, you'll only see this text. ***

(Courtesy of http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~ah/alg_anim/version1/Animator.html)


*** SORRY! You need a java-enabled browser to run this applet. *** *** Otherwise, you'll only see this text. ***

(Courtesy of http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~ah/alg_anim/version1/Animator.html)


*** SORRY! You need a java-enabled browser to run this applet. *** *** Otherwise, you'll only see this text. ***

(Courtesy of http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~ah/alg_anim/version1/Animator.html)

Convex Hull@Tohyama

(Courtesy of http://infoshako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~tohyama/graph/erngcli.html)


(Courtesy of http://infoshako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~tohyama/graph/erngcli.html)

Higher Order Convex Hull@Tohyama

(Courtesy of http://infoshako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/~tohyama/graph/erngcli.html)


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Copyleft (c) 2003-3002, Junhui Deng
Last updated on 12.03.2013